direct state Administration
Direct State Administration composition and geographical scope
Direct State Administration is made of services (central and peripheral) which are directly and immediately under the hierarchical responsibility of Government members. Central services have competency at national level, such as the General Directorates organized in Ministries, while Peripheral services have limited territorial competency, that is the case of Regional Directorates (for example, Education and Agriculture).
powers and competencies
Services with sovereignty, authority and State political representation powers are compulsorily included in Direct State Administration, as well as those performing study and design, coordination, support, and control or supervision functions over other administrative services
Each ministry has its own organic law where its competencies are set along with the identification of services that are part of direct and indirect state administration.
internal organization
Each ministry has its own organic law where its competencies are set along with the identification of services that are part of direct and indirect state administration.
a) Hierarchical structure;
b) Matrix structure;
c) Mixed organizational model combining the hierarchical and matrix structures. In these cases, the specific legislation setting up that service shall clearly identify the action scope for each model.
Furthermore, there is another possible structure model defined “ad hoc”, the Mission Structure.
hierarchical structure
The hierarchical structure is made up of core (departments) and flexible (divisions) organic units. In the administrative area, there may also be set up smaller flexible organic units referred to as sections.
matrix structure
A matrix structure shall be adopted whenever the operational areas of services can essentially be project-oriented. Said areas shall be grouped into clearly defined authority or product centers with a view to setting up multidisciplinary teams based on a functional mobility.
These teams are headed by a Team Leader to whom is applied a compensation scheme equivalent to 1st or 2nd-grade middle manager.
mission structure
Temporary missions that cannot be basically carried out by existing services may be assigned to mission structures set up by a resolution from the Council of Ministers on an “ad hoc” basis.
management staff
Central administrative, control and supervision services are managed by 1st grade top managers being assisted by 2nd grade top managers