registration and publication
Public employees’ committees are formed and acquire legal personality when the respective statutes are registered at the Directorate General for Administration and Public Employment (DGAEP).
For that purpose, the electoral commissions shall require, within 15 days calculated as from the date of the counting, the public employees’ committee formation registration, passage of statutes or of its changes and election of the public employees’ committees and of public employees’ sub-committees members.
The Directorate General for Administration and Public Employment (DGAEP) carries out the respective registration that stands dependent upon exclusively the meeting of formal requirements (the investigatory stage of the request processing with the documents legally demanded) and promotes statutes publication in the Labour and Employment Bulletin.
Public employees’ committees may only begin their activity after the corresponding formation and statutes publication.
Note that law requires statutes to compulsorily rule on the following matters:
Statutes compulsory content | ||
Election Committees |
Composition | |
Public employees’ Committees |
Members |
Number of members (depends on the public employees’ number working for the public employer) |
Committee | Committee’s way of work (set the constitutive quorum - number of members that have to attend - and deliberative quorum - number of votes required to consider the election committee’s deliberations valid) |
In the case of a public employees’ committee formation and passage of the respective statutes or of its changes DGAEP carries out an appraisal on the legality of the statutes rules, i. e. of the compliance of its content with the law. When the statutes include provisions that are contrary to the law, DGAEP shall notify the interested parties to make the necessary amendments within a 180 days’ time frame.
The DGAEP is also responsible for forwarding to the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the headquarters of the respective body or service area the informed appraisal on the legality of the public employees’ committee formation and passage of the respective statutes or of its changes. It falls upon the Public Prosecutor’s Office to carry out, if so decided, an action for declaration of nullity of the statutes rules.