Convergent Social Protection Scheme - BENEFITS MATERIALIZING PROTECTION

Convergent Social Protection Scheme

» Benefits in kind

- Of a medical, surgical, nursing, hospital, drug, thermal treatments, physiotherapy, prostheses and orthotics character and other forms necessary and appropriate to the diagnosis or to the re-establishment of the physical or mental health state and capacity for work or of gain of the injured or sick person and his/her recovery for the active life

- Transport and stay

- Professional reintegration, suitable to situations of temporary or permanent incapacity for work

» Benefits in cash

- Compensation during the absolute temporary disablement periods (absences) or partial for work

- Allowance for assistance of a third person

- Lump-sum compensation, or lifetime pension, in the case of permanent, total or partial disablement

- Allowance for re-adaptation of housing

- Allowance for situations of high permanent disablement

- In the case of death:

. Payment of funeral expenses
. Death grant
. Pension to family members

» Conditions to grant benefits

» The compensation regime is applied provided that there is accident at work or occupational disease, whose qualification depends on the confirmation of the causal link between the occurrence of any of the situations and the performance of work, without any dependence of any guarantee term

» In the case of the accident at work, the qualification as being of work is the responsibility of the employer entity at the service of which the accident has taken place

» In the case of occupational disease, falls upon the National Protection Centre against Occupational Risks of the Social Security Institute, PI, the definitive qualification of the disease as occupational. The presumptive diagnosis must be confirmed by any physician that closely follows the sick public employee, who is obliged to his/her participation at that Centre

» In any of the cases, the injured or sick person, or someone on his/her behalf, shall communicate the occurrence to the employer entity in charge and, dealing with of disease, submit the request for medical examination for diagnosis and characterization as occupational disease to the National Protection Centre against Occupational Risks, through the employer entity

» Compensations for permanent disablement are granted under the form of pension and are of a lifetime nature, however may be converted in a lump payment

» The allowance for re-adaptation of housing and the allowance for situations of high disablement are granted in situations concretely confirmed and with a higher disablement degree

» In the case of death directly resulting from accident at work or occupational disease, irrespective of the moment in which it is verified, the funeral expenses are paid, within the limits set by law, and a death allowance is granted and a pension to members of the family who are right holders

» Pensions are annualy paid in 14 monthly instalments