» Concept

Night work is deemed to be (in the absence of fixing by collective labour regulation instrument the work performed between 10pm of one day and 7am of the following day

The night work period has minimum duration of seven hours and maximum duration of eleven hours, and shall include the interval between 12pm of a day and 5am of the following day

» Regime

The night work period may be established by collective labour regulation instrument, with observance of minimum duration (7 hours) and maximum duration legally established (11 hours)


When the adaptability regime comes into force and effect, the daily normal work period of the public employee working at night time shall not be higher than daily eight hours, on a weekly average, save provisions stipulated in collective labour regulation instrument

Compensation increase

See Compensation, supplements…


The public employee with disability or chronic disease is released from performing night work, as well as the pregnant public employees

» Night public employee

Night public employee is deemed to be that who performs, for, at least, three hours of night normal work in each day or that during the night period, may fulfil a certain part of his/her annual work, defined by collective labour regulation instrument or, in its absence, corresponding to 3 hours per day