Convergent Social Protection Scheme / Social Security General Scheme - CALCULATION AND DURATION OF BENEFITS

Convergent Social Protection Scheme / Social Security General Scheme

» The calculation of any allowance consists of the application of the respective percentage to the value of the reference compensation (RC) of the beneficiary. When an allowance is granted during a period of time pre-determined in the law, even though be enjoyed in an interpolated way, is calculated just once and paid the same value during all its duration

» The RC is calculated before the grant of each benefit and results from the average of the total of gross compensations, on which contributions have effects and repercussions for the social protection scheme applicable, Convergent Social Protection Scheme (Public Service Special Pension Scheme - CGA) or Social Security General Scheme, according to the cases, received during the 6 calendar months immediately prior to the 2nd prior month to the date of the determining fact of protection

If in the period of 6 months in reference no compensation has been paid, for having occurred the same or other contingency that has conferred the right to the grant of the respective allowance, the amount of the compensation to be taken into account, during that time, is of the RC that served has a basis for calculation to the allowance then paid

For the determination of the RC the Holiday and Christmas allowances paid in the reference period are not taken into consideration

The duration of benefits corresponds to the periods of leaves, absences or releases enjoyed, under the terms of the Employment Contract and that imply loss of salary. The periods of duration of benefits are counted as from the 1st day on which the public employee/beneficiary is absent to the service by virtue of enjoyment of those leaves, absences or releases

» The amounts of the different allowances correspond to:

- 100% of the RC for the clinic risk during the pregnancy allowance, pregnancy termination allowance and initial parental allowance exclusive of the father

- 100%, 80% or 83% of the RC, according to the duration of the leaves and the occurrence or not of the sharing, under the terms legally defined, for the initial parental allowance, initial parental allowance exclusive of the mother, initial parental allowance of a progenitor when it is impossible for the other one and allowance for adoption. 100% of the RC in the added periods for each twin or adopted besides the first one

- 25% of the RC for the extended parental allowance

- 65% of the RC, with the limit of 2 x Social Support indexation (IAS) for the allowance for assistance to a son/daughter with disability or chronic disease

- 65% of the RC for the allowance for assistance to a son/daughter in the case of illness or accident, allowance for assistance to a grandson/granddaughter and allowance for specific risks

- 65% da RR para o subsídio para assistência a familiares do beneficiários do RPSC com vínculo de nomeação

» In the Convergent Social Protection Scheme the allowances are paid monthly on the date of payment of public employee’s remunerations

» In the Social Security General Scheme are paid as per the rules and guidelines of social security institutions