The open competition procedure is the normal way of recruitment to:

» fill in work posts foreseen, and not filled in, in the workforce lists of bodies or services

» the formation of workforce reserves to meet future needs of the public employer or of a set of public employers

» General principles

The recruitment of public employees for the performance of public functions is based on the following general principles:

Employment relationship/link to Public Administration

In matters pertaining to workforce recruitment and selection, the legal requirement of the open competition attaches Administration to the use of legally typified procedures

Freedom of application

Every citizen is free to apply for work posts existing in Public Administration, including those who have already formed a public employment relationship, wish to change activity, civil service or improve working conditions, namely those related to compensation

On the other hand, the subsistence of an employment relationship with Public Administration, validly established, cannot be called into question for a possible application of the public employee for any other recruitment procedure

The application for a recruitment procedure is at the sole initiative and responsibility of citizens

Equal conditions

The recruitment procedure is developed under strict equal conditions of citizens, putting into practice and complying with constitutional principles and values of legality, equality of citizens before the law and neutrality and impartiality of Public Administration

Equal opportunity for all applicants

The publicizing of recruitment and selection operations ? in the Official Gazette, public employment pool, electronic pages of civil services and in national wide coverage newspapers ? ensures a broadest dissemination of job offers and guarantees to everyone the same opportunity of access to a work post

On the other hand, all citizens interested in the recruitment procedure are subject to the same selection methods, assessed by the same selection board and enjoy the same rights, either as to information, or in relation to the possibility to challenge the recruitment procedure

Autonomy and Independence of the recruitment operations governing body

Recruitment operations are developed by an impartial selection board that constitutes an ad hoc body, which acts with technical independence and without hierarchical subjection

Besides, all deliberations of the selection board are drawn up in minutes to which all candidates have full and unrestricted access and, at the end of the recruitment procedure all citizens, even those who have not participated in the said procedure

Impartiality in the composition of the selection board

The composition of the selection board shall be publicly disclosed

The members of the selection board shall not have direct or indirect interest in the recruitment procedure. In addition, they are also covered by the regime of impediments and suspicions

» The requirements

The requirements related to the public employee and necessary to form a public employment legal relationship are as follows:

» Portuguese nationality, when not waived by the constitution, international convention or special law

» 18 years of age

» Non inhibition of the performance of public functions or no ban for the fulfilment of those which he/she is proposed to perform

» Physical robustness and psychic profile indispensable to the fulfilment of functions

» Compliance with laws relating to compulsory vaccination

» Educational requirements ? as a rule, the procedure is only intended for an applicant who is holder of an educational qualification level and training area corresponding to the degree of functional complexity of the career and category characterizing the work posts for whose filling in such a procedure is publicized

» Legal preferences

The existence of legal preferences or the establishment of access quotas to civil service constitutes a restriction to the exercise of the referred right. Therefore, their legitimacy shall depend upon the existence of an adequate material basis with regard to the principles of legality, necessity, appropriateness and proportionality


» Citizens with disability