ACIDENTS AT WORK AND OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES - Benefits whose right is maintained, responsible entities - (Social Security General Scheme)

Benefits whose right is maintained, responsible entities
(Social Security General Scheme)

» Benefits that are maintained after the termination of the employment legal relationship, regardless of the respective cause

» In the situation in which the discharge has not yet been certified by the service with competence in the protection area against occupational risks and while it is not, all justified benefits are maintained in each concrete case, with exception of the allowance substitutive of the compensation’s loss in the period of absences to the service and professional reintegration during the temporary incapacity for work, for being inapplicable

In the situation in which the discharge has been certified, the public employee maintains the right to benefits for permanent incapacity:

- Prostheses and orthoses, renewal, repair and maintenance

- Professional reintegration appropriate to remaining capacities, in the case of permanent incapacity for the fulfilment of the function

- Transport and stay

- Indemnity /benefits for permanent incapacity

- Housing readaptation allowance

- High incapacity situation allowance

» In the case of death directly resulting from occupational disease, the family is entitled to the respective benefits

» Who grants the benefits

The social security institution empowered with the protection area against occupational risks