indirect state administration
Using the delegation of authority mechanism the State establishes other public entities charged with pursuing one or more objectives cut out from its functions, aiming to achieve a more flexible and efficient management.
Indirect State Administration includes entities with legal personality and own bodies and property subject to Government’s control and supervision. These entities are set to pursue certain specific competences which the State considers that should not be developed by services under Government’s steering having, therefore, as a rule, administrative and financial autonomy. Among these are Public Institutes to whom a specific legal regime applies.
Each Public Institute shall report to the respective supervising ministry whose minister may issue guidelines on the management objectives to be achieved and on the priorities to be followed or request for information to its management bodies.
Common regime Public Institutes are managed by an executive board or a President assisted by one or more Deputy Presidents. When holding administrative and financial autonomy a statutory auditor shall be compulsorily provided.
Additional bodies in each Public Institute structure may be provided for in its organic law, namely those of an advisory nature or promoting the participation of those to whom the activity concerns.