performance bonuses
The top manager of the service sets out and justifies, within the time limit of 15 days after the beginning of the budget implementation, the universe of positions, careers and categories where the grant of performance bonuses may take place, with the disaggregation necessary of the available amount according to such universes, taking into account the budget allocations intended to bear this type of charges.
The positions, careers and categories universe mentioned above may still be disaggregated according to:
- The assignment, competence or activity that the public employees shall fulfil or carry out;
- The academic or professional training area of public employees, when such training area has been used in the characterization of work posts included in workforce lists.
Thus, performance bonuses grant may not occur in all careers, or in all categories of a same career or still regarding all public employees integrated in a determined career or holders of a determined category.
The performance bonuses amount is equivalent to the monthly basic compensation of the public employee to whom it is granted.
The decision is made public by disclosing it in the service and in the corresponding website.
Other performance rewarding systems may be created by law, namely according to results achieved in team or in the performance of public employees who are placed in the last pay step of the respective category.