documentos da EUPAN
Presidência Sueca do Conselho da UE (1.º semestre de 2023)
Presidência Checa do Conselho da UE (2.º semestre de 2022)
Possibility For Third-Country Citizens To Work In The Civil Service/Public Administration
Presidência Francesa do Conselho da UE (1.º semestre de 2022)
Strasbourg Declaration on the Common values and challenges of European Public Administrations
Summary - EUPAN survey 2022- New ways of working
Summary - EUPAN survey 2022- Mobility
EUPAN Handbook (atualizado)
Presidência Eslovena do Conselho da UE (2.º semestre de 2021)
Ageing and Talent Management in European Public Administrations
Presidência Portuguesa do Conselho da UE (1.º semestre de 2021)
Public Employee Motivation in EU Central and Federal Public Administrations
CAF Challenges to Promote Public Sector Capacity
Public Sector Leadership during COVID-19 Crisis
EUPAN eNews, Issue 3, June 2021
Presidência Romena do Conselho da UE (2.º semestre de 2019)
Presidência Letã do Conselho da UE (1.º semestre de 2015)
Study on the Future Role and Development of the Public Adminstration
Presidência Luxemburguesa do Conselho da UE (2.º semestre de 2015)
Study: Towards Innovative Public Services - A framework for the development of the innovation capability of European Public Administrations
Anexes: Towards Innovative Public Services
Survey: Managing a diverse public administration and effectively responding to the needs of a more diverse workforce
Report: The 8th European Quality Conference (01st & 02nd October 2015 ? Esch-Alzette, Luxembourg)
Presidência Polaca do Conselho da UE (2.º semestre de 2011)
Presidência Espanhola do Conselho da UE (1.º semestre de 2010)
Public Employment in European Union Member States
Sustainability of Human Resources in Central Public Administration in the EU Member States
Presidência Sueca do Conselho da UE (2.º semestre de 2009)
Social Dialogue in the Public Sectors of the EU Member States
EUPAN/TUNED Report of Good Practices and Policies on Work-Related Stress in Central Government Administrations
Strategic Management of eGovernment
Presidência Francesa do Conselho da UE (2.º semestre de 2008)
Human Resources Function Performance
Senior Civil Servants
Social Dialogue
The Public Administration Features of the EU 27 Member States
Presidência Eslovena do Conselho da UE (1.º semestre de 2008)
Leadership Competencies for Successful Change Management
What are Public Services Good at? Sucess of Public Services in the Field of Human Resources Management
Administrative burden for citizens - Report on national approaches
Presidência Portuguesa do Conselho da UE (2.º semestre de 2007)
4th Quality Conference Impact Assessment Study
The Network of National Contact Points - Evaluation of the questionnaire results
The Impact of Individual Assessments on Organisational Performance in the Public Services of EU Member States
Competency Management in EU Public Administrations
- Appendix I
- Appendix II
Presidência Alemã do Conselho da UE (1.º semestre de 2007)
Demographic Change
Performance Assessment
Berlin Declaration on Digital Society and Value-Based Digital Government - 2020
Presidência Finlandesa do Conselho da UE (2.º semestre de 2006)
Comparative study on the Public Service Ethics of the EU Member States
Follow-up survey on Public Sector Pensions
Leadership and the Lisbon Strategy - a missing link in the public sector?
Presidência Austríaca do Conselho da UE (1.º semestre de 2006)
Decentralisation and Accountability - as focus of Public Administration Modernisation
Structure of the civil and public services in the member and accession states of the European Union
Structure of the civil and public services - management summary
Administration in brief - services and data - Áustria
Federal Public Services - Áustria
Looking for a deliverable Lisbon strategy on sustainable growth and jobs
Europeans and mobility
CAF - better service for the citizens by using CAF
Presidência do Reino Unido do Conselho da UE (2.º semestre de 2005)
eAccessibility of public sector services in the European Union
Diversity Research Project
Innovative Human Resources strategies project
Report on the survey into Social Dialogue
Customer Satisfaction Mapping Exercise
Evaluation of Quality Conferences
Presidência Luxemburguesa do Conselho da UE (1.º semestre de 2005)
Milestones on the way to Better Regulation at the European Union level
The flexibilisation of the employment status of civil servants : From life tenure to more flexible employment relations?
Organizing and supporting collaborative work
Good Practices Information Systems for public administrations in Europe
Information on the Structure of the Civil and Public Services of the EU Member and Applicant States
Study on the use of the Common Assessment Framework in European Public Administrations
Human Resources management strategies to support organizational changes
Are civil servants different because they are civil servants?
Quality Journeys in the European Public
UE Procurement Learning Lab: experience and lesson learned 2004
Presidência Holandesa do Conselho da UE (2.º semestre de 2004)
3QC Evaluation Report regarding the 3rd Quality Conference for Public Administrations in the EU
Rapport d'évaluation 3QC sur la 3ème Conférence sur la Qualité des services publics européens
The Lisbon Strategy and Strategy- Focused Public Administration
Guidance Document - Confidential Integrity Counsellor (CIC)
Lifelong learning in public administration (pdf)
Draft Toolkit EU Model Code of Conduct for Civil Servants
Instituttiuonal representativeness of Social Partners in the Central Public Services
Policies on Public Sector Information in the Netherlands, Towards optimum availability and accessibility
Who is a civil servant and who is not and Why?
Towards a common exchange and training programme (ERT+)
Towards a Common Portal for the training institutes and schools for public administration in the EU of 25
Input paper for the October 2004 Conference of the European Schools and National Institutes for Public Administration: ?Public Leadership in Multi-Level Governance: Towards a Common Competence Frame?
The main features of an Ethics Framework for the Public sector: Proposal by the Dutch Presidency
Principales caractéristiques du cadre d'éthique pour le secteur public: Proposition de la Présidence néerlandaise
Ethics and Integrity ? UK Regulation and Examples of Common Practice
Framework to Reinforce the Exchange of Good Practices in eGovernment: A contribution to eEurope 2005
Study and supply of services for the reinforcement of exchange of Good practices in eGovernment