organismos responsáveis pela AP na UE
Alemanha - Federal Ministry of the Interior
Áustria - Service for foreign citizens; The Austrian Federal Chancellery
Bélgica - Belgium Government; BOSA - Federal Public Service Policy & Support
Bulgária - Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria
Chipre - Ministry of Finance
Croácia - Ministry of Justice and Public Administration
Dinamarca - Ministry of Finance
Eslováquia - Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic
Eslovénia - Ministry of Public Administration
Espanha - Ministério de Hacienda Y Función Pública
Estónia - Ministry of Finance
Finlândia - Ministry of Finance
França - Le portail de la Fonction Publique
Grécia - Ministry of the Interior
Hungria - About Hungary
Irlanda - Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
Itália - Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Ministro per la Púbblica Amministrazione
Letónia - The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia
Lituânia - Ministry of the Interior; Civil Service Department
Luxemburgo - Portail de la Fonction publique
Malta - Public Service Commission
Países Baixos - Government of The Netherlands
Polónia - Ministry of the Interior and Administration
Portugal - Direcção-Geral da Administração e do Emprego Público
Républica Checa - Government of the Czech Republic; Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic
Roménia - Agentia Nationala a Functionarilor Publici
Suécia - Swedish Agency for Public Management